hey y'all
I'm so excited that you are here!
I'm an Executive Assistant coach, certified Microsoft trainer, conference speaker, and productivity geek.
As a career C-Suite Executive Assistant, I have had the opportunity to partner with some incredibly successful executives who exemplified authentic leadership and who are absolutely dominating their space. I have also had my fair share of trying to support executives who thought they were a "Mad Men" character. I did my best to fight my way to earn a seat at the table, to keep it, and to just simply be respected in my role. Thankfully, I had the best seat in the house with an epic view of the good, the bad, and the ugly. So, I did what anyone who is driven to be the very best does.
I watched. I learned. I improved. I adapted. I made adjustments. I grew.
I took advantage of my vantage point and soaked it all in. I paid attention to what worked, what didn't, and the powerful lessons learned along the way. Many of my colleagues were drowning in information overload with ever-changing technology, plus the training was generally self-taught or simply non-existent. The real magic happens, when true business partnerships are developed between an Administrative Professional, and their Executive Business Partner (EBP). They play a pivotal role in driving peak performance for their EBP; they dramatically increase organizational productivity and drive core strategic values. Our expertise is an invaluable asset to our executive partners when we have a seat at the table. When we don't, well, the negative impact can be overwhelming and far-reaching.
Too many of us are still fighting to have a voice, to be valued, and to be equipped to have a seat at the table.
We have a lot of negative mindsets to overcome, including our own. It is not an easy battle to fight. However, I know that we can change the world together. It is our right to take ownership of our careers and demonstrate why we have earned a place at the table. Changing old perceptions and mindsets requires us to be comfortably confident in our own leadership, to find our own voice and learn to use it, to un-apologetically own our space, and to be the change that we are looking for. This is a bit revolutionary, okay, it is very revolutionary, and we are here for it!
The administrative profession will NOT vanish - it will merely evolve. We are in the middle of a revolution, and I want you to join us!
Building a dynamic business partnership is attainable, but it is not always intuitive. That is why I started coaching Administrative Professionals. I wanted to encourage, collaborate, share my successes, expose my failures, and share lessons I've learned to empower other Administrative Professionals to crush it in their careers.
No one is going to invite us to have a seat at the table.
So we are going to pull up our own chairs, sit down, and get to work.
Let's punch fear in the face together.
Hear what I really think ...